Standardization of solutions used in argentometry

0.1M silver nitrate standardization against sodium chloride

Silver nitrate solutions of known concentration can be prepared from known mass of dried AgNO3. However, if we don't have access to the high purity reagent, or if we have a solution of unknown concentration, we can easily standardize it against sodium chloride.

Reaction taking place during titration is

AgNO3 + NaCl → AgCl↓ + NaNO3

Procedure to follow:

  • Weight exactly about 0.15-0.20 g of dried sodium chloride into 250 mL erlenmayer flask.
  • Add about 100 mL of distilled water, dissolve.
  • Add 1 mL 5% w/w potassium chromate solution.
  • Titrate with AgNO3 solution till the first color change.

To calculate silver nitrate solution concentration use EBAS - stoichiometry calculator. Download silver nitrate standardization against sodium chloride solution reaction file, open it with the free trial version of the stoichiometry calculator.

Enter mass of sodium chloride in the mass edit field in the upper (input) frame above NaCl. Click n=CV button below AgNO3 in the output frame, enter volume of the titrant used, read solution concentration.

0.1M potassium thiocyanate standardization against silver nitrate solution

Potassium thiocyanate solution has to be standardized, as it is not possible to prepare and dry KSCN pure enough so that it can be used as a standard substance for solution preparation. The easiest method if the standardization require standardized solution of silver nitrate. As KSCN solution is used for back titration of the excess of AgNO3, when we need to standardzie KSCN solution we usually have standardized silver nitrate solution ready.

Reaction taking place is

AgNO3 + KSCN → AgSCN↓ + KNO3

Procedure to follow:

  • Pipette 25 mL aliquot of about 0.1M AgNO3 solution into 250mL erlenmayer flask.
  • Add 50 mL of distilled water.
  • Add 1 mL of 10% FeNH4(SO4)2 solution.
  • Titrate with potassium thiocyanate till the first visible color change.

To calculate potassium thiocyanate solution concentration use EBAS - stoichiometry calculator. Download potassium thiocyanate standardization against silver nitrate solution reaction file, open it with the free trial version of the stoichiometry calculator.

Click n=CV button in the upper (input) frame above AgNO3, enter aliquot volume and concentration of silver nitrate, click Use. Click n=CV button below KSCN in the output frame, enter volume of the titrant used, read solution concentration.

last modified on November 13 2024, 23:32:33. ©2009 - 2022 ChemBuddy